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rotational grazing 【農業】循環[輪換]放牧。

rotational inertia

Through training and field visits , the four trainees have mastered canadas advanced expertise on modern animal husbandry in forage grass planting , seed production and rearing of herbivorous livestock . through support from the ccadp , spri has established a pilot pastureland for rotational grazing and a field school of forage grass planting in hongyuan county 四川省草原科學研究院根據中加合作項目的需求,相繼在紅原縣建立了牲畜輪牧示范場牧草栽培田間學校,四人學成回國后,組織相關科技人員開展技術培訓工作。

The four trainees who just returned from canada were invited to give lectures on special subjects : learn from canadas expertise on husbandry management to realize rotational grazing in north - western sichuan , the application of canadas forage seed production technology in the grass - seed production in pasturing areas in north - western sichuan , and the application of canadas forage grass planting technology in rangeland improvement in north - western sichuan . meanwhile , the four trainers led the participants to visit the pilot pastureland for rotational grazing and the field school of forage grass planting , providing on - site explanation 特邀參加加拿大牧草技術培訓的四名學員,分別作了“借鑒加拿大放牧管理技術實現川西北牲畜劃區輪牧” “加拿大牧草種子生產技術在川西北牧區草種生產中的應用” “加拿大牧草栽培技術在川西北牧區草地改良中的應用”專題培訓,同時,帶領參訓人員到牲畜輪牧示范場,牧草栽培田間學校進行了參觀并進行田間現場講解。

With the cooperation of the imar rangeland monitoring institute and other bureaus , herders were taught why rotational grazing is good , and more importantly , how to do it 在中加專家的實地指導下,哈斯率先在自家承包的草原上做起了劃區輪牧的實驗。

Moderate and rotational grazing can do some good to the development of leymus secalimus population , and ca n ' t result in desertification in grassland 適度的輪牧可促進賴草種群的發育,增加植被蓋度,不會導致荒漠化。